Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in Croatia

Thanks to Sister Manley, who requested Claudia's pie recipes earlier in the week, the missionaries in Osijek ate home made pie for Thanksgiving! It sounds like the pie made lots of people very happy.

Thanksgiving Pie in Croatia

Excerpts from Ryan's email:

Subject: Happy T Giving!

Hey fam!

It was nice to hear from you! Thanksgiving sounded fun with all the fam - the nephews, the neices, the cousins... so tight. Thanksgiving was pretty sweet in Osijek. We couldnt find a Turkey, so we had a Croatian delicasy... Sarma. Its like sour cabbage wrapped around like seasoned beef in soup. It sounds bimm* style, but it was actually pretty good. Plus, we had mom's pies... puhhhhhhhh... It was so good. But not quite as good. They were made by human hands, not clodhopper hands, so they werent as good. But they were close enough and i loved it. I think you got a pick of me with my arm around this guy that looks like steve nash with a mustache and wings and a jacket??? Thats Dario. Hes come to basically every activity since 2002, but has never gotten baptised. But he loved moms pie. He ate every kind and like 5 chocolate pieces. I think you got a pic of Lydia too -- shes got blondish grayish hair, and she made the Sarma. Shes an awesome cook. One of my fave members.

So, I got a call from President Hill this week... and... Im staying in Osijek! With Elder Giberson! Im excited man. Im done adjusting to Croatia and oriented and stuff, so now we can really get some work done. Elder Nelson is going to Pula on the coast, and Elder Jenson, our District leader, is staying as well and is going to train the only elder coming in this transfer. It will be sweet to have the new elder come in. We are such a young district.

So, I will be here for at least 9 more weeks. We have 9 wk transfers. So, if you want to mail something right to our house, send it here:

Elder Dixon
Josipa Hutlera 25
31000 Osijek

That would work the best. If you send it to the mission home, we have to wait till we see President again, which can be like a month. So Heidi, that might work best with those BBs that i love :)

Yeah, the Manleys are tight, btw. I see them nearly every day. We are at least in contact with them everyday. She loves mom. And mom's recipies.

Its cold here but the weather is randomish. I dont really need a coat today! And it snowed like a week.5 ago.

Maja came to church this week!!!! We see her at the church 3 times usually, but it was so nice to see her walk through the door at 10 oclock on Sunday morning... She really enjoyed it. Our members liked her. Maybe too much haha. They kind of asked her lots of questions. They like to do like testimony checks to investigators, and can be kind of in their faceish. But Maja is strong ha. It went well. The talks and the lessons were perfect. She still is having trouble with understanding the importance of quitting cappuccino and has some issues with hanging on to her old church's beliefs and stuff. So pray for her!! She needs it!! Pray for us too!! We need it like its nobody's business.

I hope everyone is doing good. Its so good to hear from you all. I know this Gospel is true. That's my greatest joy... that it's real! I love it.

Cuvajte se! aka Take care of yourselves! Love you!


Elder Dixon

*Explanation: "bimm" is Ryan's acronym for "barf in my mouth"