Sunday, December 21, 2008

Almost Christmas in Croatia

It's almost Christmas, when we get talk with Ryan for an hour!  We are coordinating with Elder and Sister Manley, the couple missionaries in Osijek, to use Skype to talk with Ryan on Christmas Day.  We are grateful for modern technology!

We are excited to hear about the miracles happening in the lives of the Croatian saints and thrilled to know that Ryan is experiencing those miracles at this special time of year.  As Ryan explains below, "Hvala Nebeskom Ocu" (thanks to Heavenly Father).

Ryan with Christmas Tree in Osijek

Excerpts from Ryan's last email:

Subject: Holler shot callers...


WHat is up?? Wow, how is life? I got a couple packages @ zone conference aka pure joy. I walked into the church in Zagreb, and like 3 elders in the first couple minutes were all "Elder Dixon, have you seen your huge package?" That thing was a beast... thanks :)

So, were chattin it up in 10 days! Laterrrrrrrrrr... I cant believe ive been in Croatia for 2.5 months... Its really amazing.

So pops asked what Bok Bok means. Sorry i didnt explain last time... Bok (Boak) means hi or good bye - either one - in Croation. Bok bok is just like happier i guess. You say it fast bok bok! You know what else is cool? For the teenagers to do the slang "whats up? nothing", Croats say "Where are you? I'm here" Its tight! Im bringing it to America...

Osijek is great. We met with Maja again. We ran into her randomly on the street before then and she told us she had been obeying the Word of Wisdom for a week and a half! (We hadnt seen her for a few days due to zone conference slash english and stuff) She said she felt so good. Im so happy to see her living that commandment, b/c we gain testimonies as we live the commandments. We met with her, and we feel she doesnt yet have a very strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. I think what kindof happened was that when she read the Book of Mormon, she found it perfectly matched her beliefs. She never had to really seek out to see if it was true, because she agreed. BUt when she found it didn't exactly - as far as the Godhead and stuff, the seed wasn't very deeply planted and got scorched in the sun, if you will... But, this brings about an opportunity to put the gospel to the test, to experiment on the word and see if it is true. We all have to get to that point just like Joseph Smith - Have a desire to know. Then, when we put forth effort through study, pondering, and prayer, all with faith, we WILL get an answer. That's what we all need -- a witness through the Holy Ghost - the sure witness that Jesus is the Christ and that His Gospel - the one way to true happiness - is here today in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. THat's what I want for Maja. I really don't know all the reasons she wanted to delay baptism, but I do know that this is Christ's perfecting pathway to Heavenly Father, and I know that the Atonement is real, and that Heavenly Father wants each of his children back in his presence, experiencing all of his blessings for eternity. Therefore... it's my/our job to do all I/we can to get his children back! It's the purpose of life in a nutshell... PLEASE PRAY FOR MAJA!

So Zone Conference was the bomb. THe meeting was inspired slash so applicable for our Area. Mission records were matched this last month or two since our last zone conference as far as baptismal dates and new investigators and other things. Miracles are occuring here, folks. The other part of zone conference, we had Christmas skits. Each district made a skit. We kindof decided to dodge the shame and rock a video instead.
Haha, it might be the funniest video Ive ever seen. Hopefully Sister Manley didnt tell you too much, because I want it to be a surprise when it pops up in the mail. Its quality footage... All I can say is my experience from the Euporea Concert and the Nutcracker proved valuable in producing this beast... :]

Word made it to Osijek that David Archeleta put out a cd. Is that true? How is dat?

My language is improving. I understand more, and speak a little better. I heard some spanish the other day, and I have officially lost my spanish. I could hardly pick out words. Its been replaced slavic style.

So, last sunday, the 2nd counselor in the district presidency came to talk to us. His testimony is so strong. He was just such a good man and leader. Its so amazing to see how the fruits of the gospel are the same where-ever you go -- it creates deeply rooted good men and women. I see it alone in our branch here. He gave a wonderful talk and lesson @ church. Then he gave a wonderful setting apart for a member who is the new executive secretary for our branch. People would thank him and compliment him, but i heard him give the same response at least 3 times. He said "Hvala Nebeskom Ocu", which means, "thanks to Heavenly Father". It was so cool to hear how this awesome strong good man gave all the glory and credit to God. He truly knew where his real strength lyed, and gave that source credit. I truly know that anything good that has come from my life has come from God. He is the author of all good.

Welp, I better peace out.  I love you guys more than you can imagine. Take care! Merry Christmas!!


Elder Dixon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sounds like you're doing great! merry christmas ryan!!!