Thursday, November 27, 2008

Croatian Meat

We don't know much about the hanging meat in the following photo, except that it is obviously a bit different than we are used to here at home! Ryan looks healthy, so eating the local cuisine must be ok!

Elders Dixon and Giberson with Croatian lady and meat

Excerpt from Ryan's November 24th email:



What is ep??

THings are going well here. Maja is still doing great. Minus the fact that she hasnt been to church yet... But! Her mom gave her permission, which is big. Maja really wanted her blessing before she came to church. Her mom is a non practicing catholic, but really thought maja should be going to the catholic church, cuz thats their religion. True Croatian style... But shell be here this sunday! Pray for her! She also had a couple issues to over come with the Word of Wisdom, just like social coffey, tea, and wine... Shes not an alchoholic or anything, but were helping her quit for good. Shes awesome though... Just a pleasure to teach.

So, its freezing here. It snowed for a couple mins the other day. I think ill survive, but its cold... THat reminds me... I will be making a purchase tomorrow - a phatty jacket that will be about 300 bones... then i will be warm for winter. Just a heads up for my bank account.

Do you know what's ooc? My first transfer is this weekend... Where did the time go, guys? Idk, but I have a solid feeling that Elder Giberson and I will stay in Osijek, but you never know... Maybe I will open up Bosnia with my MTC companions or something... JK, but I think ill be here. Ill let you know next week!

Mom, as far as food goes here, we have pretty much everything. We dont have sliced bread, just like french bread. We dont have... i really cant think of anything. But we have an hour for dinner slash lunch, so any meals we could make and eat in an hour, I would really appreciate. Could you send pancakes recipe again? I couldnt print that day and the email has gotten deleted since then by the email service...

Dad! I read a talk that you have to read. Actually everyone should read it, but I think dad would love it. Its by Krešimir Cosic... aka my hero. Its a speech that was given @ byu on October 24, 1994, and its just about his time at BYU and how its effected his life. It talks about his conversion, basketball, Croatia, and the war, and I love it. I think youd really like it. He really is my hero. Krešo Cosic has done more for the salvation for a Croat, save the Savior and Joseph Smith only. I hope thats not sac-religious! I think its true, though! He is such a good man... With amazing love for the Lord. I want to send you a documentary about him that we have up here. I think you could find that talk on the internet. If not let me know.

Welp, life is pretty sweet here in O-town. There is black mold appearing on our ceiling... I guess its pretty common in croatia. Its because Croatia has a ...moist...climate. heh. My language is improving slowly. We went to a member's house the other day. Her name is Lidija aka Lydia. We went there my first week here, i think. I remember that time, I couldn't understand squat.... But this time, I actually understood what we were talking about and could add something here and there. So, Im learning. Im not exactly dreaming in pure Croatian yet, but I did dream of Brother Neil Jones saying like two words in Croatian. Haha, pretty funny huh? I dont remember which words exactly, but i remember the case endings (croatian grammar style), so it was definately croatian something. Haha...

Mom asked how the food is... really we dont eat alot of legit croatian food. Most of the Croatian food ive eaten here has been baked goods, like bread and pastries, and that is PUH. There are exactly 1284986387654897646 bakeries in Osijek. Ive heard some horror stories about eating at peoples houses though... Im a little nervous.

Welp, i better go. I love you peeps. Take care. Thanks for all your prayers and support. I pray for you every day! Peace out.


Elder Dixon

Friends in Osijek

It is great to see photos of Ryan and his friends in Croatia. The following shot was taken in the apartment of Elder and Sister Manley during a visit from the District President and his family to Osijek.

Back row: Elder Dixon, Elder Giberson, Elder Manley, Elder Jensen, Nikola (branch financial clerk)

Front row: Sister Sambunjak with two daughters, Sister Manley, President Sambunjak (district president)

Visiting with friends

Excerpt from Ryan's November 17th email:

Subject: What ep????????

Dear family slash fellow missionaries...

Welp, things are going good in Osijek. Yes, 30 degrees and 90% humidity sounds about right. Its kind of chilly... Elder Giberson and I are both wusses in the cold, but well make it. Hes from Austin Texas. But dont be alarmed... I am fine.

We are still teaching Maja. We had an amazing lesson with her the other day. We were talking about scripture study and prayer, and we read Doctrine and Covenants 59: 7-9 about how you should study it out in your mind and then ask, and if it be right, you will know with burning in the bosom, etc. She was reading it and stopped herself after verse 8 and said, "Thats exactly how i felt! Like about the book of mormon!" We asked her to explain, then she proceeded to perfectly describe how the Spirit feels. It was one of the best explainations ive ever heard. She is so sweet. PLEASE continue to pray for her. I pray that she can have a deep testimony that will grow after baptism and support her. She hasnt been to church yet just cuz theres always something on sunday. But we are meeting alot and we are going to make sure she is there next week. Shes the bomb. She has read all the standard works and pretty much eats up everything we give her. We hooked her up with a Liahonal -the march edition - and she loved it. She just loves God, and this gospel has added so much truth. She loves the scriptures and the words of the prophets.

We are teaching 8 hours of english every week, so we are hoping to see some fruits from those labors... Theres alot of great people coming to those classes, so were hoping to help them be interested and eventually accept the gospel.

Hows Barack doin? Packing up the bags for the white house eh? Cool man. People ask us about the election all the time. Most Croatians know 5 times as much about the US than I do. Were just like, I dont know whats going on over there... Hopefully he can be inspired. Thats a heavy load.

Grandma Dixons painting and related events sounded so cool. Primary kids singing = pure joy. Thats awesome.

Welp, the gospel is amazing. Its done alot for me lately. It really is real. Christ really atoned for our sins, sorrows, and pains. And his true church with his actual authority is on the earth today. What good news...

I hope you are all doing good. God bless.



Elder Dixon

Pictures from Croatia!

Happy Thanksgiving! Here in Mesa, Arizona on Thanksgiving Day, we are really thankful for Ryan and the work he is doing in Croatia. Sorry about the delay in posting his emails.

This week, we received three photos of Ryan from Sister Manley, who serves with her husband in Osijek. She sent and email to Claudia asking for her pie recipes. Apparently Ryan had mentioned that his mother makes great pies.

So, today you will receive three weeks' worth of updates, each with a photo courtesy of Sister Manley.

The following photo of Ryan and his companion, Elder Giberson, was taken in the cemetery at Vukovar, a city that was almost destroyed during the war. The photo was taken after the holiday called "Day of the Dead." It sounds much like our Memorial Day.

Elders Dixon and Giberson at Vukovar Cemetery

Excerpts from Ryan's letter for November 10th:

Hey family! What is up... I hope all is well. The weather sounds quality, and Thanksgiving is coming up.

Angie's letter was pure inspiration to me, btw. Your friends, who have been coming to church, sound like amazing people. Jtlyk, it is definately possible for h-core catholics to enter into the waters of baptism... That happens alot in Croatia. That's so sweet that they just started goingto church on their own. Im sure your testimonies on your blog before and just your example played a real role in their desire to learn more. Example combined with testimony is unmatchable in missionary work, I think. It doesn't matter who you are, how smart you are, how young or old you are. We are who we are for a reason, and if we will just live the gospel, and open our mouths and share whats precious to us with love with others, miracles will occur. I loved your testimony from your blogger. I printed a permanent copy of that beast.

So, we made a nice little phone call to President Hill this week... Maja has set a baptismal date for December 13th, 2008!!! How sweet is that eh?? Man, she's so amazing. And so amazingly prepared. She has read the entire Book of Mormon (minus some war chapters) and the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price, and has restarted the Book of Mormon, and is in Alma as of last friday. She loves the Book of Mormon! We watched the Restoration with her the other day, and shared our testimonies, and talked about the importance of always strengthening your testimony. It really is so important to strengthen and fortify our testimonies every day through study, pondering, and prayer. She is preparing for that day... Pray for her to become fully converted and to gain a personal relationship with the Savior. She is so sweet.

Saturday, we went to visit an inactive member, named Zvjezdana (Zvyezdahnah). We went to just meet with her, get to know her, share a lesson, and help her to start coming back to church again. We went over there, and it turns out that part of the reason she hasn't been to church in a while is because her brother was very sick with cancer in the hospital. So after talking for a while we said we would come by the next day to bring the Sacrament. We called on Sunday, and she told us her brother died but said to come over anyway. We did, and we brought the sacrament. It was so sad man. She was so devastated. SHe wasnt able to say goodbye and she had a way hard time dealing with that. We gave her the sacrament and a blessing. She felt better after that and was alot more peaceful by the end of our meeting. She is goig to try to start coming to church again. She still is having a hard time though. Pray for her! She slash that family need all the help they can get.

We are planning to meet with Darko and Silvija tomorrow. Hes the hunter, ya know? We are excited about that. They are such cool people.

Ive been thinking about the importance of being sincere reciently. Sincere in our prayers, sincere in our testimony, and in our desires to do good... Ive found that when we have sincere love people, its not hard to share a sincere testimony, or offer a sincere prayer in their behalf, or to serve them. I want to strive to have more sincere love and charity for the people. Love cancels out fear, and leads to miracles.

Welp, i love you all. You... complete me. Heh. But really thanks for everything - for being the perfect family for me. I pray for you every day. The Savior loves each of us, and is aware of us. Im sure of that! Take care!!!

Love Elder Dixon

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Slovenian Meetinghouse

Although Ryan is serving in Osijek, Croatia, the mission headquarters is in Ljubljiana, Slovenia.  The November 1st issue of the Church News had a nice article about a new chapel recently dedicated in Ljubljiana.  We understand this is the first new church meetinghouse in the mission.   We think that is pronounced "Lube - li - ana" with a silent "j".  Ryan is quite a distance from Ljubljiana, so we doubt he was able to attend the dedication.  What a blessing this chapel will be to the saints in that part of the world.

Excerpts from Ryan's last email:

Subject: 1 Munf in Osijek......


How's it going fam? 

Welp Osijek is still great.  I told you about Maja I believe...  She is so amazing, guys.  We had the first lesson with her, and she committed to read 3 Nephi 11, and we told her she could read more if she wanted.  So the day before we met again, she called us just to make sure we would be able to meet the next day.  Elder Giberson asked her if she had read from the Book of Mormon.  She told him that she had basically read the entire thing, except she only read the chaper headings for the war chapters!!  She then proceeded to basically bare her testimony, that she knew the Book of Mormon was of God.  She said really liked Alma and Nephi and that she loved the doctrine about the state of the soul between death and the resurrection. She said that the Book of Mormon really clarified what she knew from the Bible...  She went to Bible School in England for 3ish years.  Thats how she knows such amazing english.  Were teaching her in english btw. 

So, then we met the next day to teach the plan of salvation.  We started out with the questions - where did we come from? why are we here? where are we going?...  Then we asked her what her beliefs were.  She then basically told us the entire lesson we had planned, minus a tiny bit of restored truth. She actually taught me alot - made me think of things in a way I never had before.  She covered everything -adam and eve all the way to life after death.  She included a little of what she learned ing the Book of Mormon. Basically, we just recapped and filled in some blanks, and set up another appointment.  We have met with her since, and that was a great meeting to. We had talked to her a little bit about baptism and asked her to pray about it.  We asked her when we met again what she felt about Joseph Smith, and also the Book of Mormon.  She said she had prayed and felt good that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that Joseph Smith was a prophet.  She said everytime she reads, she feels good about it.  Also, she said she feels like she should be baptised...  I was freaking out inside.  Man, she has been so prepared.  SHe has a ways to go, but she is progressing so well. She is so knowledgable.   We are really trying to help her gain a personal relationship with heavenly father - to feel the gospel in her heart, not just in her mind.  Shes so sweet .  Keep her in her prayers. 

We tracted into a sweet family last night.  We gave a brief first lesson, talked for a long while and left Book of Mormons with them.  We just talkd to Darko and Silvija (Sylvia), the parents, but they have a daughter that lives with them and two other kids.  They seemed touched by the restoration. Darko is kind of large and in charge with a huge beard, and he had buckets and bags of thousands of empty bullets just chillin in his kitchen...  Turns out hes a way nice guy, and he likes to hunt...  We are going to visit with them next week.

We revolutionized Osijek english classes, and distributed 10k fliers last week.  We sacrificed some proselyting time, but we have over 100 people attending english classes twice a week!  Thats pretty much unheard of in a town like Osijek.  Elder Nelson, another elder hear, really went to bat to make sure we got the word out, and its really paid off.  Now over 100 people a week will be meeting with us, learning English in a dedicated church building, and having the opportunity to hear two spiritual thoughts a week...  We already have investigators from English classes that started a week ago, including Maja.  We were passing out flyers when she spotted Elder Giberson. 

Btw, we do do alot of contacting and sometimes tracting.  But contacting we do alot.  We are trying to work out better ways to find.  But the answer is yes, we contact alot and tract too. 

jtlyk, I am very safe here.  It sounds like granhopper may have had a bad dream about me or something...  I feel safer here than some places in M-town.  Were pretty safe. 

So, they dont celebrate Halloween here, but they rock whats called the Day of the Dead.  Its a catholic holiday, and 99.999999% of Croatia is catholic. They go and but bokays (heh...) of big flowers and candles on deceased relatives graves, and it looks sweet.  The gaves here all have giant head stones, so everyones grave is like a monument.  But theres so many candles, its sweet.

I better bounce.  I hope everyone is doing good.  You are in my prayers. Take care.


Elder Dixon

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The "Official" Missionary Picture

Ryan's missionary picture is now hanging on the wall of the church, flanked by pictures of his missionary buddies. We walk by and say hello on the way to our meetings each week. Ryan knows how his Mom touched Eric's face each week. Now that is happening to Ryan!

If you look really close, you can see the reflection of Mark in the background, snapping a photo of Ryan's photo!

Ryan Dixon missionary photo

Some excerpts from Ryan's last email:

Subject: Holler from Osijek..............................

Hey fam!!  How are you??  I just read some quality e-mails. 

Thanks for the comment about what Elder Eyring said, pops.  I've felt that silent prayer you mentioned about the gift of tongues.  I didn't have like a singular, out of control experience, but I feel like I'm getting help with the language beyond what my own work can produce.  We only have 30 minutes to study the language a day, and I feel like its a miracle any time I notice improvement. The gift of tongues is real.  Ive experienced it in miniature ways.  So thanks for the prayers... Thats where it starts!

So things are sweet in O-town.  We experienced a sweet miracle this passed week.  We were passing out fliers for english classes (which ill mention later in the e mail) and this girl named Maja approached Elder Giberson. Shes 25ish.  She told him she was interested in learning more about our church, and she also wanted to go to a church meeting.  So Elder Giberson set up an appointment, so we could share a lesson with her.  We shared a lesson with her about the restoration of Christ's true church.  (She lived in England for 3 years, and speaks almost flawless English, so we were teaching her in English).  She was really accepting of it, and was truely touched.  I know she was.  It was obvious she had a desire to know if what we were sharing was true.  We shared an English and a Croatian copy of the Book of Mormon to read and to Pray about.  She is so tight...  We can't wait to meet with her again.  Remember to keep Maja in your prayers.   When we discussed w/ her her religious background it was obvious she has been prepared to hear and embrace the gospel.  THe Lord is so mindful of all his children, and wants them to come and experience the fulness of life and happiness available through the restored Gospel.  His greatest work and glory really is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

We also met another flawless English speaker the other day.  He is a professional, free-lance interpreter.  We started talking to him @ a cross walk and then found he knew English, and kept talking.  One of the first things he said was that he was an Atheist and there was nothing that we could do to change that.  We talked about random things (he is brilliant and liked to talk) but the conversation always returned to the Gospel.  There was one time where he was talking about all the problems today in society, especially in croatia -- like how young people dont have good role-models and how they all want more now, and other problems that society has.   When he paused, I said, "What do you think the solution is?"  He then proceed to take the Savior's name in vain, and paused for a second in order to think of
an answer.  Before he said anything else, I was all, "I think that's the solution, too".  Haha, it was funny.  But he was such a cool guy, and was actually warming up to us.  We are going to visit soon.  We are buddies. His name is Mirsad (Meer-sahd)...  That literally means, "Peace Now" in croatian.  Hes the man.

So, I have a message for Eddude.  So sometimes, after English Class, we go get coffey with 3 or 4 of our students.  Aka elder Giberson and I get orange juice or something and they get coffey.  But I was showing this lady named rosemary the pics of our family. I keep them in my bag to show to random people.  Its a sweet little friendship builder...  But Rosemary was checkin out the fam, and she was like "Who is this?  Is this your Brother?  Hes a pretty man."  Haha, she loved him so much. After freaking out for a little while about how 'pretty' Eric was, she was all "Send Eric big kiss from baka (grandma) Rosemary!"  hahaha, it was priceless...  So, there you go Ed  :)

Welp, it's time to go, but keep Osijek in your prayers!  You are the best family in the world x 10 ^ 1906373640389.  I pray for you guys everyday.

Take care.

Sa Ljubavi,

Elder Dixon