Ryan's stay at the MTC is in its final stages. It sounds like he had developed a real fondness for the MTC, but the end of September, he will be in Croatia, having new experiences, living in a new place, and extending his trademarked love of everyone with the good folks in Croatia. We share his excitement as he eagerly await that day.
Eric gave Ryan an English "Elder Dixon" name tag to wear on his flight to Utah when he departed. I'm sure that English version has been replaced by a Croatian one by now.

Excerpts from Ryan's last email:
Hey fam,
How goes it?? So time is flying @ the mtc. I can't believe its almost time to go to croatia. Oddly enough,the mtc has become a home away from home. I won't necessarily be as emotional when i leave the mtc as I was @ sky harbor, but the room 417 has become my home.
A week ago today, Elder Uchtdorf came and talked to us.... he gave a CHOICE message. He is Prophet, seer and revelator. THe things that effected me the most were the words he said about prayer and sacrifice.. Ill paraphraze-ish... He saidsomething like this ( or maybe this is just more of what i heard), 'Before you go to bed @ night, give a report to the Lord of what service you gave that day. Put the sacrifices of the day on the alter, and ask the Lord to accept your sacrifice. Ask for forgiveness for what shortcomings you had. I promise that you will feel the love of the Lord as you sincerely seek forgiveness and repent with real intent. THen, after you have offered your sacrifices before the Lord and asked him to be accepting of them and felt the love of the Lord, forget about those short comings. Forget them. Let your sleep be restful and rejuvinating. THen wake up, and do your best the next day.' I loved that message. It helps remember who I serve and the reliance I have on the Lord. I ought to offer all the sacrifice i can- time, energy, talents, strength, my selfish desires, etc - and concecrate it to the Lord, and try to do that better and better every day. The Lord will make up for my shortcomings as i do my best. He will do that for all of us. It reminded me of that quote or saying or whatever that says, "Work like it all depends on you, but pray like in all depends on the Lord". THat was such a good message, and it reafirmed to me the importance of hard work, the reality of a Living Prophet, and the importance of keeping the Holy Ghost as a constant companion.
Also, i have had thoughts floating in my head this week about how blessed i am to have the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in my life. I think about what Nephi said, "My soul delighteth in the things of the Lord". THe gospel and faith in Jesus Christ brings peace to me that can come from no where else. I've got some precious treasure... As we talk about these things at the mtc, and as we talk to people at the R.C. it's apparent that we are out-of-control blessed. It really makes me want to share. THat will be so great to share that with the Croatians.
So, Holly dropped me a line and told me Willard may be up for grabs. I'm not going to lie, the other day, i wrote tanner jones and told him that if he was looking for a sweet 98 prizm, my rents might be able to help him out.
Eric gave Ryan an English "Elder Dixon" name tag to wear on his flight to Utah when he departed. I'm sure that English version has been replaced by a Croatian one by now.

Excerpts from Ryan's last email:
Hey fam,
How goes it?? So time is flying @ the mtc. I can't believe its almost time to go to croatia. Oddly enough,the mtc has become a home away from home. I won't necessarily be as emotional when i leave the mtc as I was @ sky harbor, but the room 417 has become my home.
A week ago today, Elder Uchtdorf came and talked to us.... he gave a CHOICE message. He is Prophet, seer and revelator. THe things that effected me the most were the words he said about prayer and sacrifice.. Ill paraphraze-ish... He saidsomething like this ( or maybe this is just more of what i heard), 'Before you go to bed @ night, give a report to the Lord of what service you gave that day. Put the sacrifices of the day on the alter, and ask the Lord to accept your sacrifice. Ask for forgiveness for what shortcomings you had. I promise that you will feel the love of the Lord as you sincerely seek forgiveness and repent with real intent. THen, after you have offered your sacrifices before the Lord and asked him to be accepting of them and felt the love of the Lord, forget about those short comings. Forget them. Let your sleep be restful and rejuvinating. THen wake up, and do your best the next day.' I loved that message. It helps remember who I serve and the reliance I have on the Lord. I ought to offer all the sacrifice i can- time, energy, talents, strength, my selfish desires, etc - and concecrate it to the Lord, and try to do that better and better every day. The Lord will make up for my shortcomings as i do my best. He will do that for all of us. It reminded me of that quote or saying or whatever that says, "Work like it all depends on you, but pray like in all depends on the Lord". THat was such a good message, and it reafirmed to me the importance of hard work, the reality of a Living Prophet, and the importance of keeping the Holy Ghost as a constant companion.
Also, i have had thoughts floating in my head this week about how blessed i am to have the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in my life. I think about what Nephi said, "My soul delighteth in the things of the Lord". THe gospel and faith in Jesus Christ brings peace to me that can come from no where else. I've got some precious treasure... As we talk about these things at the mtc, and as we talk to people at the R.C. it's apparent that we are out-of-control blessed. It really makes me want to share. THat will be so great to share that with the Croatians.
So, Holly dropped me a line and told me Willard may be up for grabs. I'm not going to lie, the other day, i wrote tanner jones and told him that if he was looking for a sweet 98 prizm, my rents might be able to help him out.
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