Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Halfway through the MTC!

Last Sunday, during our weekend visit to California, we met Emily Hendrickson, who recently returned from serving a mission in Croatia. She loved Croatia and the Croatian people and had a wonderful experience serving there. She was excited to hear that Ryan will soon arrive in Croatia for his mission.

Emily graciously sent us a few photos of Croatia. The following photo is of the first LDS meetinghouse built in Croatia. It is scheduled to be dedicated in October, soon after Ryan arrives. How wonderful to see this significant milestone in the history of the Church in Croatia!

Meetinghouse of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Croatia

Here are a few excerpts from Ryan's last email:

Hey fam...

So the mtc continues to be tight. We are mor than half way through. Insane in the membrane. I will have pics for you soon. Croatian is coming along. We are progressing. THis thurs, we teach the message of the restoration in croatian. I am nervous... ish... we'll be alright though. I ll most def let you know how that goes.

I am still learning alot while I am here. THese past couple weeks we have been teaching and learning about the plan of salvation. I have thought and studied alot about who I really am & where I came from and why that really matters. The scriptures teach us that God is our loving spirit Father in Heaven and we lived with him before this life. So, we are his spirit children, and always will be. we also have an earthly body. Knowing that has helped me understand our purpose a little better. We are here on this earth to excercize faith and gain experience and to return back home to him... We are spiritual individuals having a mortal experience. God wants us to return to him. THat's why God gives us commandments -- to focus on spiritual things... to have an eternal perspective. We have to take care of our bodies and treat them properly, as God-given gifts, but we must nourish our spirits and have an eternal perspective and faith and use our bodies to do good. To be spiritually minded is life eternal. It's so important that everyone know who they are and where they came from, and where to turn so that they can return to heavenly father.

this week, i was chillin before a devotional and reading about the life of William Wilkinson Dixon [Ryan's great-great-great grandfather]. He is the man. I want to be just like him. With an orchard and all... I learned something important from what i read in that document. I noticed that they mentioned his membership in the Mormon church, but never really mentioned his testimony or conversion story. Only alittle at the end. But, even though little was said, I new he had a testimony of the Savior and his Restored gospel on earth today by his actions. THere was no question in my mind. He was dedicated to the church and his family and endured to the end. He is the man. I can't wait to meet the man. WHat a stud.com

Well, I love you all, K? k.

love ryan