On July 30, 2008, Ryan entered the Provo Missionary Training Center for an eight-week period of instruction prior to flying to Croatia to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the wonderful Croatian people. We will use this blog to chronicle his progress and keep family and friends updated on his missionary experiences.

Today we received the first email from him since he entered the MTC. Here are a few excerpts from his email:
We invite you to come back often to share in the wonderful blessings that will come because of his faithful service.

Today we received the first email from him since he entered the MTC. Here are a few excerpts from his email:
Man, Idk where to start. The MTC is sweetness. ... I love the meetings and devotionals like its no body's business. Our MTC president is the man. I swear he will be an apostle someday. They take good care of us spiritually! The spirit is so constant overall in this place that it is almost hard to detect after a while.
My district is made up of kids going to either slovenia, croatia, czeck republic, or slavakia. My zone has some elders heading for the US and this week some are coming in and going to Canada - the city my comp is from.... That's kind of sweet , eh?
On sunday, Elder Champion and I got called to be zone leaders. Pretty nuts, huh? Before my Branch pres. asked us to accept the calling he was all, "Elder Dixon, your pockets..." I was like bent over slouching with my hands in my pockets, so I took my hands out of my pockets and stood up straighter. Then he asked if we would be zone leaders, and the rest is history... Haha jk, but it's cool.
So sunday @ the mtc might have been the greatest day ever.... I loved our Mission Conference. I swear, there is nothing better than singing the Spirit of God, Did you think to Pray, and I'm trying to be like Jesus, with 2000 missionaries. I will never forget that choice experience...
We invite you to come back often to share in the wonderful blessings that will come because of his faithful service.
aww Ryan!! :(
Great picture, but isn't this usually where the BRIDE and groom stand?!? Soon enough...
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